Τι είναι η Ε.Υ.ΘΥ.Τ.Α.


Εταιρεία Υποστήριξης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων είναι ένας Μη Κερδοσκοπικός, Μη Κυβερνητικός Οργανισμός, στο χώρο της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Στη Ρόδο λειτουργεί από τον Ιούνιο 2004 , πρωτοβουλία της Προέδρου Καρύδη Ελένης, θύμα τροχαίου ατυχήματος, μετά από τον χαμό του γιου της Δημήτρη 19 χρόνων στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2002, πλαισιωμένη από επιστήμονες, θύματα, συγγενείς τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και ευαισθητοποιημένα άτομα στο θέμα της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Είναι μέλος:

-Της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων-FEVR (Σύμβουλος του Ο.Η.Ε και του Π.Ο.Υ)
-Υποστηρικτής της Παγκόσμιας Οργάνωσης « MAKE ROADS SAFE »
-Το 2008 υπέγραψε την Ευρωπαϊκή Χάρτα Οδικής Ασφάλειας, για λιγότερα θύματα με την υποστήριξη της Ε.Ε.
-Αρωγό μέλος του Ε.Δ.Ι.ΠΑ.Β (Εθνικό Δίκτυο Πρόληψης Ατυχημάτων , συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τροχαίων)
-Μέλος της Διακομματικής Επιτροπής Δήμου Ρόδου
-Ιδρυτικό μέλος του Πανελλαδικού Συλλόγου
-Υποστηρίζει την Δεκαετία Δράσης 2011-2020 για την Οδική Ασφάλεια
-Συνεργάζεται με φορείς του Δημόσιου του Ιδιωτικού τομέα, με Παγκόσμιους & Ευρωπαϊκούς Φορείς και Οργανισμούς.

Ποιοι είναι οι σκοποί :

+Η υποστήριξη των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων από ομάδα συμβούλων ( νομικών, ιατρών, ειδικών εμπειρογνωμόνων, συγκοινωνιολόγων, μηχανολόγων, εκπαιδευτικών, ψυχολόγων, κοινωνικών λειτουργών ).

+Η ανάπτυξη αλληλεγγύης μεταξύ των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων( ηθική υποστήριξη ).

+Η οργανωμένη παρέμβαση και η κοινωνική πίεση προς τους φορείς της πολιτείας, για τη βελτίωση της οδικής ασφάλειας και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων.

+Η υποστήριξη η ανάληψη και προώθηση δραστηριοτήτων σε θέματα τα οποία προάγουν την οδική ασφάλεια, την κυκλοφοριακή αγωγή, την έρευνα, την ενημέρωση , την ευαισθητοποίηση των πολιτών των ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτων ηλικιών (μαθητών, ηλικιωμένων).

Ποιο είναι το Δυναμικό της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, διαθέτει ένα τεχνοκρατικό πυρήνα από επιστήμονες- μέλη διαφόρων κλάδων ( Υγειονομικούς, Νομικούς, Εκπαιδευτικούς, Μηχανολόγους- Μηχανικούς, Πραγματογνώμονες, Συγκοινωνιολόγους, Οικονομολόγους, Αναλυτές Η/Υ, Ψυχολόγους, Κοινωνικούς Λειτουργούς).

Το δυναμικό της ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, ανταποκρίνεται απόλυτα στις υψηλές απαιτήσεις σοβαρών ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων, με θέμα την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόσληψη και την μείωση των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων.

Διαθέτει επίσης ένα αξιόλογο επιτελείο έμπειρων επιστημόνων, που της επέτρεψε ως τώρα να πραγματοποιήσει πολλαπλές εκπαιδευτικές- ενημερωτικές δράσεις με στόχο τη βελτίωση της Οδικής Συμπεριφοράς.

Ποιες είναι οι Δραστηριότητές της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, συμβάλλει δραστικά στην ενημέρωση των πολιτών για την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόληψη και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων και παρέχει σε μόνιμη βάση Νομική, Ιατρική, Ψυχολογική και Κοινωνική Υποστήριξη σε θύματα και συγγενείς θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων όταν αυτή ζητηθεί.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, έχει διοργανώσει εκδηλώσεις ( Ημερίδες, Έκθεση φωτογραφίας , Δράσεις σε ανοικτούς χώρους, Διδασκαλία σε Σχολεία Α/ας και Β/ας Εκπαίδευσης, Σεμινάρια σε κέντρα εκπαίδευσης νεοσυλλέκτων, Ενημερωτικές ομιλίες σε Δήμους της Ρόδου) στο πλαίσιο της ενημέρωσης των πολιτών σε θέματα που προάγουν την Οδική Ασφάλεια και έχει κάνει ουσιαστικές παρεμβάσεις στους φορείς σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Έχει εκδώσει ενημερωτικά έντυπα με έγκυρη επιστημονική πληροφόρηση σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, πιστεύει ότι για την επίτευξη αποτελεσμάτων χρειάζεται δραστηριοποίηση από τους πολίτες, υποστήριξη από τον κρατικό μηχανισμό και αλλαγή της αρνητικής νοοτροπίας στοιχεία που θα μας βοηθήσουν να απαλλαγούμε από την ιδιότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής χώρας με μεγάλο αριθμό Θυμάτων Τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και με επικίνδυνους δρόμους για ασφαλή οδήγηση.


31 Οκτ 2022

NRSO Road Safety- Ε.Μ.Π Οδική Ασφάλεια

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The International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD), the Université Gustave EiffelCEREMA, ONISR and ENTPE co-organised with great success the 7th IRTAD Conference: Better Road Safety Data for Better Safety Outcomes, which was held in Lyon, on 27 – 28 September 2022 . The Conference focused on improvements in the quality of data systems and data analysis in IRTAD and other countries as an essential way to build and monitor strong road safety policies in the Decade 2021-2030, which are comprehensively summarized at the IRTAD Declarationpdf5 

Click here for all NTUA presentations...

Latest Developments

The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) has published a report titled “Integrating Safety into Road Design”. This Guide has been produced in response to the ever-growing need for safe road and roadside design to save lives from road crashes. The Guide focuses on elements of safe road and roadside designs for road networks that can provide safe mobility to all road users, as well as complementary changes to improve speeds, vehicle safety, road user behaviors, and post-crash care. 

The Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI) released recently two new handbooks titled “How to Implement Street Transformations” and “How to Evaluate Street Transformations“, which can offer cities a new way of implementing and evaluating pop-up or interim street transformations with a focus on community-driven street designs. GDCI has also announced it’s call for applications for the first Streets for Kids Leadership Accelerator, that aims to create a global cohort of city leaders in order to hone their knowledge to create change for kids in their cities. The Accelerator will bring together 60 changemakers from 20 global cities to participate in an eight-month virtual professional leadership program. 

FedEx funded an online package of new Resources for 5-star RAPs, which has launched to support road assessment programmes (RAPs) around the world eliminate high-risk roads.  These resources are aligned with the UN High-level Meeting of Road Safety, as countries embrace implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for safer national roads that save lives. The Resources offer guidance on how to develop an effective programme and includes 140 award-winning examples, templates and downloadable materials, drawn from the best practice of partners world-wide

The World Road Association – PIARC published a Report titled “Road Related Data and How to Use it“. 20 recommendations, referenced within the report, provide a clear framework for road administrations to systematically compare their current practices and develop tailored action plans. These also complemented by a further 4 recommendations for PIARC to consider, to supporting member organizations in their journey to deliver better services through smarter use of data. 

The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) published the Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Roadmap, as part of the ERTRAC Roadmaps. According to the Report, in 2050, vehicles will have 100% real-time connectivity on the relevant road network and the transport management system will have the appropriate quality of service level, also for remote operation. All newly registered vehicles will have automation but in different levels.  link  pdf5 

Statistics Corner

The Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport produced for the first time ever Road Safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for all key crash risk factors in Greece, with the active contribution of NTUA. The five KPIs related to road user behavior concern speeding, seatbelt use, helmet use, driving under the influence of alcohol and distraction and demonstrate the basic causes of road crashes in Greece.  These KPIs have been incorporated at the new National Road Safety Plan of Greece in order to identify key road safety problems in Greece and to determine the respective solutions, but also for the setting of the 8 road safety KPI targets for the decade (e.g. helmet wearing rate from 79% today, to 90% in 2025 and 95% in 2030). pdf5

The International Road Federation (IRF) released the 59th edition of the IRF World Road Statistics 2022 (WRS2022), with data now open to all for free through the IRF WRS Data Warehouse platform, thanks to the generous support of the TotalEnergies Foundation and Michelin Corporate Foundation. The IRF WRS 2022 continues to be the major comprehensive, universal source of statistical data on road networks, traffic and inland transport, including traffic accidents. This year the WRS 2022 includes the latest data covering years 2015 to 2020, with the active contribution of NTUA for the Greek data. It includes over 200 road and transport-sector related indicators across 11 sections, covering more than 200 countries and territories.   pdf5

Our Publications

The Transport Community organised with great success the 3rd Western Balkans Road Safety Observatory Meeting (WBRSO) which took place in Belgrade, on 6 October 2022. The Meeting covered topics related to the Western Balkans Road Safety Action Plan as well as the work plan of the WBRSO  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations :

A paper titled “Driving Behaviour and its correlation with COVID-19 response measures: A neural network forecasting analysis” authored by Marios Sekadakis, Christos Katrakazas, Eva Michelaraki and  George Yannis, is published in Journal of Transportation Engineering. The NNAR modeling results showed that with higher stringency index, mobile use and driving speed tend to increase, whereas speeding duration demonstrates higher peaks. Interestingly, with stricter response measures, lower values were forecasted for speeding. According to the modeling outcomes, there is a direct effect of the COVID-19 response measures on driving behavior.  doi

A paper titled “Investigating the Temporal Evolution of Driving Safety Efficiency Using Data Collected from Smartphone Sensors” authored by Dimitrios Tselentis, Eleni Vlachogianni and George Yannis, has been published in Accident Analysis and Prevention. Initial data analysis results to the most critical components of microscopic driving behaviour, which are used as inputs in the k-means algorithm to perform the clustering analysis. The main driving characteristics of each cluster are identified and lead to the conclusion that there are three main driving groups of the a) moderate drivers, b) unstable drivers and c) cautious drivers. doi

An NTUA Diploma Thesis called “Identification of driver’s risky behavior level and duration with machine learning techniques” was recently presented by Theodoros Garefalakis. For the purpose of this Diploma Thesis, high resolution data related to driving behavior were collected through a driving simulator experiment. In the first part of the analysis, four machine learning algorithms were developed to classify driver behavior into one of three risk levels, with the ‘Random Forests’ algorithm scoring the highest performance. In the context of investigating the influence of driving factors to identify driving behavior, the distance traveled, speed and speed limit emerged as the most important. In the second part of the analysis, the effect of driving characteristics on driving duration at different stages was examined through three regression algorithms. The results showed that the maximum speed was the most important variable, which negatively affects the driving duration at each safety levelpdf5 ppt5

Upcoming Events

The Horizon 2020 research project SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) has recently released the SHOW 5th Newsletter. The Newsletter provides information on the latest outcomes of the project. Beyond technical developments, additional pilot sites have kicked off their real-life operations and will start collecting feedback from the project’s local teams and from the citizens using it’s services.  

The European Commission and the Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI) together with the European Transport Research Platforms ACARE, ALICE, CEDR, ECTP, ERRAC, ERTRAC, ETRA and Waterborne, are organising the Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA2022) which will be held in Lisbon, on 14-17 November 2022. The pillars of the Conference will be the scientific excellence, research and innovation challenges, the latest technological and industrial developments and innovative policies regarding the European Transport Research and Innovation and the cooperation of Europe with other continents.  The detailed Programme for the conference has been published. link pdf5

POLIS, the European Cities Network, is organising the 2022 Annual Polis Conference, which will take place in Brussels, on 30 November and 1 December 2022.  The POLIS Annual Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision-makers. Urban Road Safety is a key conference priority. Registrations are now open. 

The European Commission is organising the EU Road Safety Results Conference which will be held as a hybrid event (in Brussels and online), on 8 December 2022. The Conference is an opportunity to engage with EU Member State authorities and all stakeholders across the road safety community. In addition, it will allow participants to exchange views and experiences on the efforts to reach Vision Zero.