22 Απρ 2015

TAC Cup in Australia targets youth with road safety messages

The TAC Cup is an under 18 Australian rules football representative competition held in Victoria, Australia. It is based on geographic regions throughout country Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne with each team representing 12 Victorian regions. Sponsored by the Traffc Accident Commssion in Victoria,Australia.

The competition is one of the primary sources of recruitment for AFL clubs from Victoria. The TAC Cup provides an opportunity for talented regional players to participate in a high standard competition without having to relocate too far from their place of origin. The competition has a very successful pathway with players missing AFL selection often being recruited by semi-professional state, country and regional leagues throughout Australia.

The TAC Cup includes a strong road safety message and targets young drivers through sport.

be on the ball

The 2015 Youth Girls Academy Hoodie design was created by creative illustrator Marian Machismo. Watch the behind the scenes footage as Marian discusses the inspiration behind her design and the need to Be On The Ball when you're behind the wheel. She talks about the need to focus when on the road using her sybmolic illustration work. This image has been transferred onto a hoodie for the Youth Girls Academy to remind them to 'Be on the Ball' behind the wheel too.
speed hurts
The 2015 TAC Cup Hoodie design was created by internationally recognized street style artist Travis Price. Travis created his hoodie design to make sure players understand the responsibility that comes with being on the road. His message is all about the tagline of the Cup, 'Speed Hurts'.
TAC illustrate an inspiring and innovative fusion of sports, arts and road safety to drive their message home to young people.
Πηγή: http://www.youthforroadsafety.org  

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