Ο Π. Ο. Υ για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνήμης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Δυστυχηματων 20
Νοεμβρίου, έχει εκδώσει έγγραφο για την ιατρική φροντίδα στο τόπο της
σύγκρουσης, την απόδοση δικαιοσύνης στα Θύματα και στις οικογένειές τους
μετά τη σύγκρουση, υποστηρίζει τα θύματα και τι μέτρα θα πρέπει να
πάρει η κάθε χώρα
Post-crash response: Supporting those affected by road traffic crashes
As relates to the post-crash response, survivors and families affected by road traffic crashes have a range of physical, psychological and legal needs. Consequences may include physical injuries and resulting disability, psychological trauma that can impair reintegration into work and family life, and a range of economic and legal sequelae. A broad and integrated approach to support survivors and families can mitigate the short- and long-term effects of experiencing a road traffic crash and can help those affected return to function and independence at home and at work. An effective post-crash response requires integration of injury care, mental health services, legal support and legislation, and data on road traffic crashes and injuries.
Complemented by case studies from various countries, Post-crash response: supporting those affected by road traffic crashes describes the components of the post-crash response.
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