1. Future Activities
• 3 June Brussels: invited to stakeholder meeting at the EC about a review of the cross border enforcement directive
• 5-7 June: Madrid: FEVR to receive the MAPFRE Fondacione award from Queen Sofia on 6th of June
Manuel, my wife Maggy and I will be present.
Since it was founded in 1991, the FEVR has worked ceaselessly to defend the rights of traffic accident victims and improve road safety. Its mission is to offer support and help to road crash victims by providing free emotional, practical and legal assistance, and to encourage public institutions and authorities to implement road safety measures. This award recognizes the Federation's past achievements as well as its most recent project, Don't forget seriously injured road traffic victims, which aims to extend the focus of prevention to include not only fatalities but also those who suffer serious injuries (spinal injuries, brain damage, leg fractures and amputations), often with very grave consequences.
more #PremiosFM2015
• 20 June Brussels: ETSC Pin conference Agenda more
6 July Bsels: rusFEVR 25th aniversary
We will officially present our new office at BRSI (Belgian RS Institute) in the “House of Road Safety”where we are hosted by PEVR. If we are lucky we can also than announce with the help of Brussels Regional Government and the EC a plan for a monument for RT Victims close to the EU Institutions.
Our 25th Anniversary will be in the Catalan EU representation conference room close to the Commissions- Rondpoint-Schumann. TBC
We think to start at around 2PM till around 4 PM followed by a cocktail. There will be some high level politicians invited for the keynote speech. Details will follow in due time.
You are of course all invited and FEVR will cover 50% of travel costs for 1 delegate from those members who supported well the “Serious Injury survey” and 100% for those who did the related translation
2. Past Activities
• 22.UNRSC meeting in NY
Manuel Ramos (FEVR) provided a brief history of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims and the theme for the celebration to be held in November 2016 as well as preparations, and highlighted the need for financial support for this year’s celebrations (Appendix 24). (on FEVR Hubic)
24-25 May Den Haag: president assisted to a “Safety Cube” (promising practices in prevention) workshop, FEVR is a core stakeholder in this project followed by an SWOV/ETSC conference:
Prevent crashes-reduce injuries-save lives,RS in Eurpe where we stand and where we’re going
(Proceedings will be on ETSC/Swov webpage) Goteborg Volvo safety center visited during ETSC Main Council Meeting
• 26 May Brussels: Conference on cyclist safety (proceedings www.etsc.eu)
• 24-25 May Utrecht: Donna represent FEVR at the VSE (Victim Support Europe) conference
3.News from members
Survey ‘My Life After the Crash’ (MyLAC Project) is now available in Greek. However, the link for the Greek language is not the same as for the other languages. Indeed, it was not possible to add another language while the survey was already active. So, if you think that some people from your sample might be willing to complete the survey in Greek, please refer to the two links in your media/social media and all correspondence related to the study :
For all languages (except for Greek) : http://www.questionpro.com/t/ALBJjZTTie (available languages are : English, French, German, Slovenian, Turkish, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian)
For Greek only : http://www.questionpro.com/t/ALBJjZUuTA
Quadribell : The smart bell that even makes you visible
Koen introduced me to this new feature that helps prevent cyclists hit by Lorries when turning
And here finally a doc from Marcello about their new law in Italy: “road homicide”
Much attention has attracted in Italy the recent approval, by Law n. 41 of 23 March 2016, of the so-called "Road traffic homicide", contained in the new Article 589 bis of the Penal Code (and the offense of "serious and very serious road traffic injuries": Article 590 bis).
Politicians and media have given emphasis to the news, presenting it as an intervention that, by introducing for the first time offenses related to road carnage, filled a gap in the previous legislation. In fact, the case of "Road traffic homicide" was already provided in the Italian context of Article 589 C.P. (manslaughter). What has been done with this - still important – innovation was to recognize that the road traffic carnage is a very serious matter, which deserves specific and more appropriate reactions.
Compared to the previous legislation, if the penalty for the base fact (homicide by violating the road traffic rules) remains unchanged (imprisonment from two to seven years), those for the aggravated facts have been increased and new cases of aggravations were introduced. In particular, for the homicides caused by drunk or drugged driver is provided a penalty from 5 to 12 years (instead, as before, from 3 to 8 years).
Moreover, three new cases of aggravation of punishment have been introduced (the strong
speeders; crossing intersections at a red light or driving on; inversions and overtaking at dangerous points): we consider them an important result, as AIFVS always claimed the need to punish not only who drives in altered physical conditions but, more broadly, any dangerous driving.
In addition, the possibility of a lifetime revocation of the driver’s license in the most severe cases (the so-called "driver's license life imprisonment") has finally been scheduled.
Overall, these measures give a more adequate response to the needs widely perceived in society, the result of the awareness campaign initiated almost twenty years ago by AIFVS and Fondazione Guccione.
At the same time, that there are various weaknesses in the law that will have to be corrected (eg., no attention to the issue of distracted driving); furthermore, we must consider that the measures of punishment described above are often purely "virtual", since in Italian law there are numerous cases rewards that allow you to apply very significant "discounts", and that judges tend, even today, to apply penalties starting from the minimum.
,,, Some LINKS:
Empowerment Programm of The Global Alliance for Road Safety ( AND RTV) NGO’s organized a series of Webinars about the 3 stars Coalition:
FB & Twitter Social U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si8rHDGNjOo
The Traffic Snake Game (TSG) is a campaign developed to encourage walking and cycling to school, with primary school children, and parents and teachers being the main target group. All the schools are pursuing the same goal: more safe and sustainable trips to school!

• 3 June Brussels: invited to stakeholder meeting at the EC about a review of the cross border enforcement directive
• 5-7 June: Madrid: FEVR to receive the MAPFRE Fondacione award from Queen Sofia on 6th of June
Manuel, my wife Maggy and I will be present.
Since it was founded in 1991, the FEVR has worked ceaselessly to defend the rights of traffic accident victims and improve road safety. Its mission is to offer support and help to road crash victims by providing free emotional, practical and legal assistance, and to encourage public institutions and authorities to implement road safety measures. This award recognizes the Federation's past achievements as well as its most recent project, Don't forget seriously injured road traffic victims, which aims to extend the focus of prevention to include not only fatalities but also those who suffer serious injuries (spinal injuries, brain damage, leg fractures and amputations), often with very grave consequences.
more #PremiosFM2015
• 20 June Brussels: ETSC Pin conference Agenda more
6 July Bsels: rusFEVR 25th aniversary
We will officially present our new office at BRSI (Belgian RS Institute) in the “House of Road Safety”where we are hosted by PEVR. If we are lucky we can also than announce with the help of Brussels Regional Government and the EC a plan for a monument for RT Victims close to the EU Institutions.
Our 25th Anniversary will be in the Catalan EU representation conference room close to the Commissions- Rondpoint-Schumann. TBC
We think to start at around 2PM till around 4 PM followed by a cocktail. There will be some high level politicians invited for the keynote speech. Details will follow in due time.
You are of course all invited and FEVR will cover 50% of travel costs for 1 delegate from those members who supported well the “Serious Injury survey” and 100% for those who did the related translation
2. Past Activities
• 22.UNRSC meeting in NY
Manuel Ramos (FEVR) provided a brief history of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims and the theme for the celebration to be held in November 2016 as well as preparations, and highlighted the need for financial support for this year’s celebrations (Appendix 24). (on FEVR Hubic)
24-25 May Den Haag: president assisted to a “Safety Cube” (promising practices in prevention) workshop, FEVR is a core stakeholder in this project followed by an SWOV/ETSC conference:
Prevent crashes-reduce injuries-save lives,RS in Eurpe where we stand and where we’re going
(Proceedings will be on ETSC/Swov webpage) Goteborg Volvo safety center visited during ETSC Main Council Meeting
• 26 May Brussels: Conference on cyclist safety (proceedings www.etsc.eu)
• 24-25 May Utrecht: Donna represent FEVR at the VSE (Victim Support Europe) conference
3.News from members
Survey ‘My Life After the Crash’ (MyLAC Project) is now available in Greek. However, the link for the Greek language is not the same as for the other languages. Indeed, it was not possible to add another language while the survey was already active. So, if you think that some people from your sample might be willing to complete the survey in Greek, please refer to the two links in your media/social media and all correspondence related to the study :
For all languages (except for Greek) : http://www.questionpro.com/t/ALBJjZTTie (available languages are : English, French, German, Slovenian, Turkish, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian)
For Greek only : http://www.questionpro.com/t/ALBJjZUuTA
Quadribell : The smart bell that even makes you visible
Koen introduced me to this new feature that helps prevent cyclists hit by Lorries when turning
And here finally a doc from Marcello about their new law in Italy: “road homicide”
Much attention has attracted in Italy the recent approval, by Law n. 41 of 23 March 2016, of the so-called "Road traffic homicide", contained in the new Article 589 bis of the Penal Code (and the offense of "serious and very serious road traffic injuries": Article 590 bis).
Politicians and media have given emphasis to the news, presenting it as an intervention that, by introducing for the first time offenses related to road carnage, filled a gap in the previous legislation. In fact, the case of "Road traffic homicide" was already provided in the Italian context of Article 589 C.P. (manslaughter). What has been done with this - still important – innovation was to recognize that the road traffic carnage is a very serious matter, which deserves specific and more appropriate reactions.
Compared to the previous legislation, if the penalty for the base fact (homicide by violating the road traffic rules) remains unchanged (imprisonment from two to seven years), those for the aggravated facts have been increased and new cases of aggravations were introduced. In particular, for the homicides caused by drunk or drugged driver is provided a penalty from 5 to 12 years (instead, as before, from 3 to 8 years).
Moreover, three new cases of aggravation of punishment have been introduced (the strong
speeders; crossing intersections at a red light or driving on; inversions and overtaking at dangerous points): we consider them an important result, as AIFVS always claimed the need to punish not only who drives in altered physical conditions but, more broadly, any dangerous driving.
In addition, the possibility of a lifetime revocation of the driver’s license in the most severe cases (the so-called "driver's license life imprisonment") has finally been scheduled.
Overall, these measures give a more adequate response to the needs widely perceived in society, the result of the awareness campaign initiated almost twenty years ago by AIFVS and Fondazione Guccione.
At the same time, that there are various weaknesses in the law that will have to be corrected (eg., no attention to the issue of distracted driving); furthermore, we must consider that the measures of punishment described above are often purely "virtual", since in Italian law there are numerous cases rewards that allow you to apply very significant "discounts", and that judges tend, even today, to apply penalties starting from the minimum.
,,, Some LINKS:
Empowerment Programm of The Global Alliance for Road Safety ( AND RTV) NGO’s organized a series of Webinars about the 3 stars Coalition:
FB & Twitter Social U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si8rHDGNjOo
The Traffic Snake Game (TSG) is a campaign developed to encourage walking and cycling to school, with primary school children, and parents and teachers being the main target group. All the schools are pursuing the same goal: more safe and sustainable trips to school!
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