Γενική Συνέλευση 12-13 Απριλίου 2018 στον ΟΗΕ:

Θέμα ημερήσιας διάταξης
Βελτίωση της παγκόσμιας οδικής ασφάλειας
Την FEVR (Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Θυμάτων Τροχαίων) εκπροσώπησε ο Manuel Ramos
από τον οργανισμό ACA-M Πορτογαλίας. Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ είναι μέλος της FEVR και η πρόεδρος μέλος του Δ.Σ της FEVR
Στη συνάντηση της UNRSC, παρευρίσκεται ο Manuel
Ramos, ο εκπρόσωπος της UNRSC (Συνεργασία Οδικής Ασφάλειας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών)
και παρουσίασε θέματα της FEVR, όπως μετά την τροχαία σύγκρουση, απόδοση δικαιοσύνης, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνήμης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων

Συνημμένο το Ψήφισμα και στη συνέχεια ένα σύντομο
συμπέρασμα από ορισμένα θέματα που είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικά για την FEVR
Θέμα ημερήσιας διάταξης
(στόχοι βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης)
Στόχος 3.6, αποσκοπεί να μειώσει κατά το ήμισυ,
μέχρι το 2020, τον αριθμό των παγκόσμιων θανάτων και τραυματισμών από τροχαία
Στόχος 11.2, στοχεύει να προσφέρει έως το 2030 πρόσβαση σε ασφαλή, προσιτά και
βιώσιμα συστήματα μεταφορών για όλους
Αναγνωρίζεται από όλα τα κράτη μέλη και την κοινωνία των
πολιτών για τη συνεχή δέσμευσή τους στην οδική ασφάλεια, όπως αποδεικνύεται από
την τήρηση της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Μνήμης για Θύματα Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας την τρίτη
Κυριακή του Νοεμβρίου κάθε έτους,
14. ενθαρρύνει περαιτέρω τα κράτη μέλη να υιοθετήσουν, και να εφαρμόσουν πολιτικές και μέτρα για την ενεργητική προστασία
και προώθηση της ασφάλειας των πεζών και της ποδηλατικής κινητικότητας,
προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί επίσης η οδική ασφάλεια και τα ευρύτερα αποτελέσματα
για την υγεία, ιδίως η πρόληψη των τραυματισμών και των μη μεταδοτικών
ασθενειών ·
15. καλεί τα κράτη μέλη να αναπτύξουν και να εφαρμόσουν
κατάλληλες εκστρατείες κοινωνικού μηνύματος για την ευαισθητοποίηση και την
ανάμνηση της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Μνήμης για Θύματα Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας την τρίτη
Κυριακή του Νοεμβρίου κάθε έτους ·
16. ενθαρρύνει τα κράτη μέλη να ενισχύσουν την
προ-νοσοκομειακή περίθαλψη, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υπηρεσιών επείγουσας
ιατρικής περίθαλψης και των κατευθυντήριων γραμμών άμεσης αντιμετώπισης μετά
από συντριβή, νοσοκομειακής περίθαλψης και περιπατητικής ιατρικής περίθαλψης
και υπηρεσιών αποκατάστασης,
18. προτρέπει τα κράτη μέλη να εφαρμόσουν πολιτικές οδικής
ασφάλειας για την προστασία των ευάλωτων ατόμων μεταξύ των χρηστών των οδών,
ιδίως των παιδιών, των νέων, των ηλικιωμένων και των ατόμων με αναπηρίες
23. καλεί επίσης τα κράτη μέλη να παράσχουν πρόωρη
αποκατάσταση και κοινωνική επανένταξη, συμπεριλαμβανομένων στον κόσμο της
εργασίας, σε άτομα με τραυματισμούς και αναπηρίες που προκαλούνται από τροχαία
ατυχήματα και πλήρη υποστήριξη των θυμάτων των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων και των
οικογενειών τους ·
31. ζητά από την Παγκόσμια Οργάνωση Υγείας και τις
περιφερειακές επιτροπές των Ηνωμένων Εθνών να διευκολύνουν τη διοργάνωση
δραστηριοτήτων κατά τη διάρκεια του 2019 για την πέμπτη εβδομάδα παγκόσμιας
οδικής ασφάλειας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών ·
35. χαιρετίζει την προσφορά της κυβέρνησης της Σουηδίας να
φιλοξενήσει την τρίτη παγκόσμια διάσκεψη υψηλού επιπέδου για την οδική ασφάλεια
που θα διεξαχθεί το 2020.
Το Συνημμένο
United Nations A/72/L.48
General Assembly
Distr.: Limited
6 April 2018
Original: English
18-05464 (E) 100418
Seventy-second session
Agenda item 12
Improving global road safety
Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Poland, Russian Federation, Samoa, Thailand, Turkmenistan and Uruguay: draft resolution
Improving global road safety
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 57/309 of 22 May 2003, 58/9 of 5 November 2003, 58/289 of 14 April 2004, 60/5 of 26 October 2005, 62/244 of 31 March 2008, 64/255 of 2 March 2010, 66/260 of 19 April 2012, 68/269 of 10 April 2014 and 70/260 of 15 April 2016, on improving global road safety,
Having considered the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report on improving global road safety1 and the recommendations contained therein,
Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions — economic, social and environmental — in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
Recalling that the Sustainable Development Goals and targets are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development, and acknowledging the importance of reaching the road safety-related targets, such as target 3.6, which aims to halve, by 2020, the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, and target 11.2, which aims to provide, by 2030, access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older
1 A/72/359.
persons, as well as road safety targets aimed at strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity vis-à-vis hazards and developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure,
Noting that, as the end of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020 is approaching, the overwhelming majority of road traffic deaths and injuries are preventable and that, despite some improvements in many countries, including in developing countries, they remain a major public health and development problem that has broad social and economic consequences which, if unaddressed, may affect progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,
Recognizing that human suffering, combined with costs to some countries of up to 5 per cent of their gross domestic product a year, makes reducing road traffic deaths and injuries both an economic and a social priority, especially for some countries, and that investment in road safety has a positive impact on public health and the economy,
Taking into account that road traffic deaths and injuries are also a social equity issue, as the poor and the vulnerable are most frequently also vulnerable road users, namely, pedestrians, cyclists, users of motorized two- and three-wheeled vehicles and passengers of unsafe public transport, who are disproportionately affected and exposed to risks and road crashes, which can lead to a cycle of poverty exacerbated by income loss, and recalling that the aim of road safety policies should be to guarantee protection to all users,
Recognizing that road safety requires addressing broader issues of equitable access to mobility and that the promotion of sustainable modes of transport, in particular safe public transport and safe walking and cycling, is a key element of road safety,
Taking into account the importance of strengthening institutional capacity and continuing international cooperation, including South-South and triangular cooperation, cooperation between countries that share roads across borders and cooperation among regional and international organizations, to further support efforts to improve road safety, particularly in developing countries, and providing, as appropriate, support to meet the goals of the Decade of Action and those of the 2030 Agenda,
Emphasizing that, while each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized in the context of reaching the Sustainable Development Goals, international public finance plays an important role in complementing the efforts of countries to mobilize public resources domestically, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries with limited domestic resources,
Expressing its concern that the number of road traffic crashes remains unacceptably high, and crashes represent a leading cause of death and injury around the world, killing more than 1.3 million people and injuring as many as 50 million people a year, with 90 per cent of these casualties occurring in developing countries, and concerned also that road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death around the world for children and young people between 15 and 29 years of age,
Expressing its concern also that at the current rate of progress, target 3.6 will not be met,
Expressing its concern further that the adoption and implementation of road safety measures remain inadequate in many countries,
Acknowledging the leading role of Oman and the Russian Federation in drawing the attention of the international community to the global road safety crisis,Commending Member States that have taken a leadership role by adopting comprehensive legislation on key risk factors, including the non-use of seat belts, child restraints and helmets, the drinking of alcohol and driving, and speeding, and drawing attention to other risk factors, such as low visibility, medical conditions and medicines that affect safe driving, fatigue and the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic and psychoactive substances, mobile phones and other electronic and texting devices,
Encouraging Member States to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships to address the safety of vulnerable road users, the delivery of first aid to victims of road accidents or crashes, training and education, notably in developing and least developed countries,
Recognizing the progress made by some Member States in providing road traffic crash victims and their families with universal access to health care in the pre-hospital, hospital, post-hospital and rehabilitation and reintegration phases,
Acknowledging the work of the United Nations system, in particular the leadership of the World Health Organization, in close cooperation with the United Nations regional commissions, in establishing, implementing and monitoring various aspects of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011–2020), and the commitment of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Children’s Fund and the International Labour Organization, among other entities, to supporting those efforts as well as that of the World Bank and regional development banks to implementing road safety projects and programmes, in particular in developing countries,
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Commending the World Health Organization for its leadership role in preventing road traffic injury and for its role in implementing the mandate conferred upon it by the General Assembly to act, in close cooperation with the United Nations regional commissions, as a coordinator on road safety issues within the United Nations system,2 and anticipating the next Global Status Report on Road Safety, which will be the fourth in a series of reports to monitor progress over the period of the Decade of Action, as requested in Assembly resolution 62/244,
Commending also the United Nations regional commissions for their work in increasing road safety activities and advocating increased political commitment to road safety, and in working towards setting regional and national road traffic casualty reduction targets, in particular the work of the Economic Commission for Europe in elaborating global road safety-related legal instruments, including international conventions and agreements, technical standards, resolutions and good practice recommendations, as well as in servicing 58 global and regional legal instruments that provide a commonly accepted legal and technical framework for the development of international road, rail, inland water and combined transport,
Emphasizing the role of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration as a consultative mechanism to facilitate international road safety cooperation,
Commending the work of two Economic Commission for Europe groups of experts, namely, on road signs and signals and on improving safety at level crossings, and recognizing the continuous work of the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety and the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations to improve vehicle and road safety,
Noting with approval the road safety performance review projects of the Economic Commission for Europe, carried out in collaboration with the Economic __________________
2 See resolution 58/289.
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and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean under the United Nations Development Account and with the Economic Commission for Africa with support from the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Road Safety, as well as the work of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on prioritizing road safety to strengthen the national road safety management capacity of selected countries, and commending the development and implementation of road traffic safety management systems for different types of organizations, such as the extensive work of the International Organization for Standardization in developing the requirements for road traffic safety management systems,3
Acknowledging a number of other important international efforts on road safety, including the development by the International Road Transport Union of harmonized and internationally recognized standards for the vocational training of road transport professionals, as well as the development of an updated Road Safety Manual by the World Road Association to offer guidance to officials at various levels on measures that can enhance the safety of road infrastructure,
Welcoming the efforts of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Road Safety, with secretariat support from the Economic Commission for Europe, in effectively mobilizing sustained high-level commitment to road safety by advocating adherence to and raising awareness about the United Nations legal instruments on road safety, sharing good practices, including through participation in global and regional conferences, and advocating for increased funds for road safety,
Taking note of the report of the International Transport Forum of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development entitled Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System, and the letter of intent of the International Transport Forum, the World Bank and the International Automobile Federation to develop regional road safety data observatories, and noting the promotion by the International Transport Forum of effective road injury prevention at the forthcoming Summit on Transport Safety and Security, to be held in Leipzig, Germany, from 23 to 25 May 2018,
Recognizing the commitment of Member States and civil society to road safety, as demonstrated by their participation in United Nations Global Road Safety Week, including during the fourth Week, held from 8 to 14 May 2017, which highlighted the dangers of speed in order to generate action on measures to reduce speed and improve safety on the world’s roads,
Recognizing also Member States and civil society for their continued commitment to road safety, as demonstrated by their observance of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on the third Sunday of November every year,
Acknowledging the efforts of Member States in contributing to international road safety by conducting research and collecting evidence that will inform policies, as well as by encouraging the sharing of best practices that enhance vehicle and infrastructure safety as well as human behaviour in road traffic,
Recognizing that providing basic conditions and services to address road safety is primarily a responsibility of Governments, especially in view of the decisive role that legislative bodies can play in the adoption of comprehensive and effective road safety policies and laws and their implementation, while recognizing nonetheless that there is a shared responsibility to move towards a world free from road traffic fatalities and serious injuries and that addressing road safety demands __________________
3 ISO 39001: 2012.
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multi-stakeholder collaboration among the public and private sectors, academia, professional organizations, non-governmental organizations and the media,
Commending the World Health Organization, along with the regional commissions and other United Nations system agencies, for facilitating a process to develop voluntary global performance targets and corresponding indicators for road safety, as requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 70/260, as well as by the World Health Assembly in its resolution 69.7, adopted on 28 May 2016,4
1. Reiterates its invitation to Member States and the international community to intensify national, regional and international collaboration, with a view to meeting the ambitious road safety-related targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
2. Welcomes the adoption by the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) of the New Urban Agenda,5 which, taking into account that the majority of road deaths and injuries take place in urban areas, gives appropriate consideration to road safety and access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable public transport and non-motorized modes of transport, paying special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons;
3. Also welcomes the approval by consensus of the 12 voluntary global performance targets for road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms at the meeting of States Members of the World Health Organization held in Geneva on 20 and 21 November 2017, notes the work of the World Health Organization in developing corresponding indicators intended to help measure progress towards achieving these targets, encourages the application of these indicators, when appropriate, and, in this respect, encourages the World Health Organization to carry out activities to support countries, especially countries in Africa and the least developed countries, in the implementation and measurement of targets;
4. Encourages Member States to take steps, following good practices, towards achieving the voluntary global performance targets for road safety;
5. Invites Member States that have not already done so to develop and implement national road safety plans, as appropriate, and to consider adopting comprehensive legislation in line with the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, with a view to meeting the target of increasing the percentage of countries with comprehensive legislation on key risk factors, including the non-use of seat belts, child restraints and helmets, the drinking of alcohol and driving, and speeding, from 15 per cent to at least 50 per cent by 2020, as agreed in resolution 64/255, and to consider implementing appropriate, effective and evidence- and/or science-based legislation on other risk factors related to distracted or impaired driving;
6. Reaffirms the role and importance of the United Nations legal instruments on road safety, such as the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic,6 the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic,7 the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals,8 the 1958 and 1998 agreements on technical vehicle regulations, the 1997 agreement on periodic technical inspection of vehicles and the 1957 agreement on the transport of dangerous goods, in facilitating road safety at the global, regional and national levels, and __________________
4 See World Health Organization, document WHA69/2016/REC/1.
5 Resolution 71/256, annex.
6 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 125, No. 1671.
7 Ibid., vol. 1042, No. 15705.
8 Ibid., vol. 1091, No. 16743.
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commends Member States that have acceded to these international legal instruments on road safety;
7. Encourages Member States that have not yet done so to consider becoming contracting parties to the United Nations legal instruments on road safety and, beyond accession, applying, implementing and promoting their provisions or safety regulations;
8. Encourages Member States to make efforts to ensure the safety and protection of all road users through safer road infrastructure, especially on the highest-risk roads with high rates of crashes involving both motorized and non-motorized modes of transport, through a combination of proper planning and safety assessment, design, building and maintenance of roads, taking into consideration the geography of the country;
9. Invites Member States that have not already done so to consider adopting policies and measures to implement United Nations vehicle safety regulations or equivalent national standards to ensure that all new motor vehicles meet applicable minimum regulations for the protection of occupants and other road users, with seat belts, airbags and active safety systems fitted as standard equipment;
10. Also invites Member States that have not yet done so to address road safety holistically, starting with the implementation or continuation of a road safety management system, including, as appropriate, interdepartmental cooperation and the development of national road safety plans in line with the Global Plan for the Decade of Action;
11. Invites Member States to consider establishing mechanisms for the periodic assessment of vehicles in order to ensure that all new and in-use vehicles comply with basic vehicle safety regulations;
12. Encourages Member States to provide consumer information on vehicle safety through new car assessment programmes that are independent from vehicle manufacturers, and also encourages Member States to share such consumer information with, inter alia, the World Health Organization and other countries, in particular developing and least developed countries;
13. Also encourages Member States to promote environmentally sound, safe, accessible and affordable modes of quality transport, particularly public and non-motorized transport, as well as safe intermodal integration, as a means of improving road safety, social equity, public health and urban planning, including the resilience of cities and urban-rural linkages, and in this regard to take into account road safety and mobility as part of the effort to achieve sustainable development;
14. Further encourages Member States to adopt, implement and enforce policies and measures to actively protect and promote pedestrian safety and cycling mobility, with a view to also improving road safety and broader health outcomes, particularly the prevention of injuries and non-communicable diseases;
15. Invites Member States to develop and implement appropriate social marketing campaigns to raise awareness and commemorate the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on the third Sunday of November every year;
16. Encourages Member States to strengthen pre-hospital care, including emergency health services and the immediate post-crash response, hospital and ambulatory guidelines for trauma care and rehabilitation services, and requests the World Health Organization to support Member States in these endeavours;
17. Invites Member States to share best practices and standards bilaterally, regionally and internationally, as appropriate, including through the World Health
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Organization, upon the request of Member States, on the causes of road accidents and crashes and their prevention, which could be instrumental in addressing information gaps and shortcomings;
18. Urges Member States to implement road safety policies for the protection of vulnerable persons among road users, in particular children, youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, in line with relevant United Nations legal instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child9 and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;10
19. Encourages Member States and private sector entities that have not yet done so to establish an effective mechanism to reduce the number of crashes, road fatalities and injuries caused by professional drivers, including drivers of commercial vehicles, owing to job-specific hazards, including fatigue;
20. Invites Member States to fully integrate a gender perspective into all policymaking and policy implementation related to mobility and road safety, especially regarding roads and surrounding areas and public transport;
21. Encourages Member States to develop and implement comprehensive legislation and policies on motorcycles, including on training, driver licensing, vehicle registration, working conditions and the use by motorcyclists of helmets and personal protection equipment, within the existing international standards, given the disproportionally high and increasing numbers of motorcycle deaths and injuries globally, particularly in developing countries;
22. Invites Member States to develop public policies to decrease work-related road traffic crashes, with the participation of employers and workers, in order to enforce international standards on safety and health at work, road safety and adequate road and vehicle conditions, giving particular attention to the issue of professional drivers, including the working conditions of commercial vehicle drivers;
23. Also invites Member States to provide early rehabilitation and social reintegration, including in the world of work, to persons with injuries and disabilities caused by road traffic crashes and comprehensive support to victims of road traffic crashes and their families;
24. Further invites Member States to continue to implement professional driver qualification frameworks, established on the basis of internationally recognized standards, including training, certification and licensing, restricted hours of driving and working conditions that focus on addressing the main causes of accidents or crashes involving heavy commercial vehicles, recognizing that distraction is a significant cause of accidents or crashes;
25. Invites Member States to support, as appropriate, the activities of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Road Safety;
26. Welcomes the measures taken by the Secretary-General and the United Nations system to enhance road safety through the United Nations system road safety strategy so as to reduce road crashes and casualties and injuries resulting from such incidents among United Nations personnel and the civilian population in host countries;
27. Requests the World Health Organization and the United Nations regional commissions, as well as other relevant United Nations agencies, to continue the activities aimed at supporting the implementation of the objectives and goals of the
9 Ibid., vol. 1577, No. 27531.
10 Ibid., vol. 2515, No. 44910.
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Decade of Action and the road safety-related targets in the 2030 Agenda, while ensuring system-wide coherence;
28. Reiterates its invitation to Governments to take a leading role in implementing activities in support of the global voluntary performance targets on road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms, as well as road safety-related targets in the 2030 Agenda, while fostering multisectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration that includes the efforts of academia, the private sector, professional associations and civil society, including national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, and encouraging further partnership activities and initiatives, such as the Global Road Safety Partnership, hosted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and those of other non-governmental organizations, as well as victims’ organizations, youth organizations and the media;
29. Requests the United Nations system, including the regional commissions, the World Health Organization and other relevant United Nations agencies, to support Member States, upon their request, in applying voluntary global performance targets for road safety when appropriate;
30. Requests the World Health Organization to continue to monitor, through its global status reports on road safety, progress towards the achievement of the goals of the Decade of Action;
31. Requests the World Health Organization and the United Nations regional commissions to facilitate the organization of activities during 2019 for the fifth United Nations Global Road Safety Week;
32. Invites all relevant stakeholders, international organizations, development banks and funding agencies, foundations, professional associations and private sector companies to scale up funding to support the implementation of measures required to meet the global voluntary targets;
33. Welcomes the establishment of the United Nations Road Safety Fund to support progress towards achieving road safety-related Sustainable Development Goals and relevant global targets, and encourages all road safety stakeholders to contribute to the Fund;
34. Stresses the need, in view of the approaching end, in 2020, of the Decade of Action for Road Safety, the target date of 2020 for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3.6 and the relevant road safety target dates set out in the 2030 Agenda, to define a new time frame for a reduction in road traffic deaths and injuries, taking into account the voluntary global performance targets for road safety risk factors and service delivery mechanisms;
35. Welcomes the offer by the Government of Sweden to host the third high-level global conference on road safety, to be held in 2020, building on the first United Nations Global Road Safety Week, held in Muscat in 2007, the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Moscow in 2009, and the Second Global High-level Conference on Road Safety, held in Brasilia in 2015, to bring together delegations of ministers and representatives dealing with transport, health, education, safety and related traffic law enforcement issues and other relevant stakeholders in the interest of reducing or eliminating road traffic fatalities and serious injuries, reviewing progress in achieving the goals of the Decade of Action for Road Safety and the relevant targets of the 2030 Agenda and providing an opportunity for Member States to further discuss ways to achieve the goals of the Agenda so as to prepare a forward-looking declaration on the period leading up to 2030;
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36. Recommends that a high-level meeting be held on improving global road safety, at an appropriate time after 2020, with a view to assessing the progress made in attaining the objectives of the road safety targets contained in the 2030 Agenda;
37. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-fourth session the item entitled “Improving global road safety”, and requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at that session on the progress made in the attainment of the objectives of the Decade of Action.