Τι είναι η Ε.Υ.ΘΥ.Τ.Α.


Εταιρεία Υποστήριξης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων είναι ένας Μη Κερδοσκοπικός, Μη Κυβερνητικός Οργανισμός, στο χώρο της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Στη Ρόδο λειτουργεί από τον Ιούνιο 2004 , πρωτοβουλία της Προέδρου Καρύδη Ελένης, θύμα τροχαίου ατυχήματος, μετά από τον χαμό του γιου της Δημήτρη 19 χρόνων στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2002, πλαισιωμένη από επιστήμονες, θύματα, συγγενείς τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και ευαισθητοποιημένα άτομα στο θέμα της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Είναι μέλος:

-Της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων-FEVR (Σύμβουλος του Ο.Η.Ε και του Π.Ο.Υ)
-Υποστηρικτής της Παγκόσμιας Οργάνωσης « MAKE ROADS SAFE »
-Το 2008 υπέγραψε την Ευρωπαϊκή Χάρτα Οδικής Ασφάλειας, για λιγότερα θύματα με την υποστήριξη της Ε.Ε.
-Αρωγό μέλος του Ε.Δ.Ι.ΠΑ.Β (Εθνικό Δίκτυο Πρόληψης Ατυχημάτων , συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τροχαίων)
-Μέλος της Διακομματικής Επιτροπής Δήμου Ρόδου
-Ιδρυτικό μέλος του Πανελλαδικού Συλλόγου
-Υποστηρίζει την Δεκαετία Δράσης 2011-2020 για την Οδική Ασφάλεια
-Συνεργάζεται με φορείς του Δημόσιου του Ιδιωτικού τομέα, με Παγκόσμιους & Ευρωπαϊκούς Φορείς και Οργανισμούς.

Ποιοι είναι οι σκοποί :

+Η υποστήριξη των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων από ομάδα συμβούλων ( νομικών, ιατρών, ειδικών εμπειρογνωμόνων, συγκοινωνιολόγων, μηχανολόγων, εκπαιδευτικών, ψυχολόγων, κοινωνικών λειτουργών ).

+Η ανάπτυξη αλληλεγγύης μεταξύ των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων( ηθική υποστήριξη ).

+Η οργανωμένη παρέμβαση και η κοινωνική πίεση προς τους φορείς της πολιτείας, για τη βελτίωση της οδικής ασφάλειας και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων.

+Η υποστήριξη η ανάληψη και προώθηση δραστηριοτήτων σε θέματα τα οποία προάγουν την οδική ασφάλεια, την κυκλοφοριακή αγωγή, την έρευνα, την ενημέρωση , την ευαισθητοποίηση των πολιτών των ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτων ηλικιών (μαθητών, ηλικιωμένων).

Ποιο είναι το Δυναμικό της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, διαθέτει ένα τεχνοκρατικό πυρήνα από επιστήμονες- μέλη διαφόρων κλάδων ( Υγειονομικούς, Νομικούς, Εκπαιδευτικούς, Μηχανολόγους- Μηχανικούς, Πραγματογνώμονες, Συγκοινωνιολόγους, Οικονομολόγους, Αναλυτές Η/Υ, Ψυχολόγους, Κοινωνικούς Λειτουργούς).

Το δυναμικό της ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, ανταποκρίνεται απόλυτα στις υψηλές απαιτήσεις σοβαρών ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων, με θέμα την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόσληψη και την μείωση των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων.

Διαθέτει επίσης ένα αξιόλογο επιτελείο έμπειρων επιστημόνων, που της επέτρεψε ως τώρα να πραγματοποιήσει πολλαπλές εκπαιδευτικές- ενημερωτικές δράσεις με στόχο τη βελτίωση της Οδικής Συμπεριφοράς.

Ποιες είναι οι Δραστηριότητές της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, συμβάλλει δραστικά στην ενημέρωση των πολιτών για την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόληψη και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων και παρέχει σε μόνιμη βάση Νομική, Ιατρική, Ψυχολογική και Κοινωνική Υποστήριξη σε θύματα και συγγενείς θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων όταν αυτή ζητηθεί.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, έχει διοργανώσει εκδηλώσεις ( Ημερίδες, Έκθεση φωτογραφίας , Δράσεις σε ανοικτούς χώρους, Διδασκαλία σε Σχολεία Α/ας και Β/ας Εκπαίδευσης, Σεμινάρια σε κέντρα εκπαίδευσης νεοσυλλέκτων, Ενημερωτικές ομιλίες σε Δήμους της Ρόδου) στο πλαίσιο της ενημέρωσης των πολιτών σε θέματα που προάγουν την Οδική Ασφάλεια και έχει κάνει ουσιαστικές παρεμβάσεις στους φορείς σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Έχει εκδώσει ενημερωτικά έντυπα με έγκυρη επιστημονική πληροφόρηση σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, πιστεύει ότι για την επίτευξη αποτελεσμάτων χρειάζεται δραστηριοποίηση από τους πολίτες, υποστήριξη από τον κρατικό μηχανισμό και αλλαγή της αρνητικής νοοτροπίας στοιχεία που θα μας βοηθήσουν να απαλλαγούμε από την ιδιότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής χώρας με μεγάλο αριθμό Θυμάτων Τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και με επικίνδυνους δρόμους για ασφαλή οδήγηση.


30 Ιουν 2018

Ε.Μ.Π -NRSO Ιούνιος 2018: Οδική Ασφάλεια

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) published the 12th edition of PIN Annual Report, with the active contribution of NTUA, presented at the 2018 PIN Conference which took place with great success on 18 June, 2018 in Brussels. 25,250 people lost their lives on the EU roads in 2017, representing a 2% reduction on the 2016 figure. There has been progress since 2010 but time is running out and the 2020 target is now highly unlikely to be met. Strong political will and urgent measures are still needed in all EU Member States to narrow the gap between the desired and the actual EU progress. NTUA contributed actively to this ETSC PIN Annual Report
Latest Developments
The European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) published a Report on the preparatory work for an EU road safety strategy 2020-2030. This Report was prepared by Jeanne Breen assisted by SWOV and Loughborough University’s Design School. The Commission set three objectives to be addressed: 1) assess the outcome of the road safety policy framework to 2017; 2) consider current and future changes in mobility and its consequences and challenges in relation to road safety; and 3) assist in the preparation of the EU road safety framework for 2020-2030
The Updated Main Report (2017 edition) of the European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes (ESRA) has been published containing the results from the survey in 38 countries, including 13 Latin America countries, with the active contribution of NTUA. The updated version of the ESRA webpage with Deliverables and Publications includes the 2017 Main Report in 3 languages (English, Spanish, French), six Thematic Reports on European drivers attitudes, and the country fact sheets. 
The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published the 35th PIN Flash Report “An Overview of Road Death Data Collection in the EU“, with the active contribution of NTUA. The goal of this PIN Flash Report is to gather information on road death data collection in different PIN countries and to find out if and how countries cross-check or complement road death data recorded by the police with alternative sources. This Report provides very useful information to exchange good practice on how to improve road death data collection and recording
The European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) have published a joint position paper, called ‘Improving infrastructure safety for powered two-wheelers’. Only in 2017 power two-wheelers fatalities (motorcycles and mopeds) counted for 17% of the total road victims, while accounting only for 1,8% of the total traffic flow. Both ERF and FEMA strongly believe that road safety for motorcyclists can be significantly improved by looking at the design of road infrastructure
Our Publications
NTUA Professor George Yannis gave a Lecture at the European Commission – DG for Research and Innovation on 11 June 2018 in Brussels, titled “Road Safety in Africa and Beyond“. The Lecture focused on various aspects of road safety in Africa and worldwide, on the the SaferAfrica research project and on the respective EU international cooperation policies in the field, followed by a vivid discussion on key road safety problems and the EC role for potential policies, programmes and measures for the improvement of road safety in Africa and worldwidepdf5
The Focus Area Mobility & Transportation Systems of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) organized the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (mobil.TUM 2018) which took place with great success on June 13th – 14th 2018, in Munich, Germany. The theme of the conference was Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together. Road safety was one of the key discussion areas enabling inspiration from the latest innovations and exploring new directions for shaping the future of urban mobility and safety  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:
The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2018 is an international conference under the auspices of the European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA), which took place with great success on 17-21 June 2018 in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The topic for ESREL 2018 was “Safe Societies in a Changing World” and the goal of the conference was to advance in the understanding, modeling, and management of the complexity of the risk, safety and reliability fields characterizing our world, now and in the future.   NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:
The Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas together with the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and the support of the Brewers of Europe, organised an international conference on tackling drink-driving as part of the SMART (Sober Mobility Across Road Transport) project which took place with great success in Athens, Greece, on 21 June 2018. The debate addressed policy and practice on enforcement, penalties, rehabilitation, alcohol interlocks and other measures to discourage and prevent drink driving, with focus on improved driver behaviour and safety performance in Greece.   pdf5  NTUA presentation concerned: Drinking and driving in Greece ppt5
The Hellenic Chambers Transport Association (EESYM) organised the 17th Panhellenic Transport Chamber Conference which took place with great success on Saturday 2 June 2018 in Livadia, Greece. One of the key Conference topics was fleet safetylink  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Road transport safety in Greece
A Diploma Thesis titled “Investigation of the impact of weather conditions to young drivers’ behavior and safety in cities with the use of driving simulator” was presented by Maria Chaireti in November 2017. In order to achieve this objective, an experimental process on a driving simulator was carried out and regression models were developed to investigate the impact of weather conditions on the mean speed, the lateral position of the vehicle from the right borderline and the accident probability. The models’ application indicated that driving in the rain contributes to a small reduction in speed, but also to a significant increase in the probability of an accident. When driving in fog, drivers seem to be more cautious, as the lateral position of the vehicle from the right borderlines reduced and the probability of an accident decreased. pdf5 ppt5
A paper titled “Public opinion on Usage-Based Motor Insurance Schemes: a stated preference approach” authored by Dimitris Tselentis, Akis TheofilatosGeorge Yannis and Manos Konstantinopoulos is now published in Travel Behaviour and Society scientific Journal. This paper aims to investigate which parameters affect users’ willingness to pay for alternative usage-based motor insurance pricing schemes such as Pay-as-you-drive (PAYD) and Pay-as-how-you-drive (PHYD). Results indicated that women and smartphone owners are more likely to choose a new insurance schemes. Kilometers and cost reduction were also found to affect similarly the choice for both Usage-Based-Motor Insurance (UBI). Moreover, the higher the speed reduction imposed to the driver, the lower the probability of the UBI scheme to choose itdoi
Point of View
Today the driver makes choices, tomorrow the choices will be made by the autonomous vehicles, by the autonomous traffic and by the people managing them. So there is need to “train” the vehicles, the traffic and the people managing them on how to handle a number of fundamental choices. Firstly, a number of real time operational safety choices of the autonomous vehicles pertain. When a collision is unavoidable, what the autonomous vehicles should choose to hit: the tree/obstacle, another vehicle, a pedestrian or continue exploring avoidance of collision? Furthermore, in a conflict of two autonomous vehicles (connected or not) how their decisions should be coordinated for their safety and the safety of the other road users? These driver choices are taken also today without autonomous traffic, but nobody can keep real-time record of the driver risk perception and decisions, whereas the autonomous vehicles will allow for detailed monitoring of any choice and the programming behind it. More...
Upcoming Events
The chair of Transportation System Engineering of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) are co-organising the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) in September 5-7 2018 in Athens. hEART is an interdisciplinary research conference, covering all areas of transportation research, with a focus on quantitative methods and analysis of transport systems. The aim is to connect research in transport modelling, transport economics and transport policy with advanced practice. 
The final event of the three Horizon 2020 projects InDeV, PROSPECT and XCYCLE will take place on October 12th 2018 at Applus+ IDIADA, 70 km south of the city of Barcelona. At this one-day event, results of these three projects on traffic safety analysis and integrated approach towards better protection of vulnerable road users will be presented. Participants will also have the opportunity to see live demonstrations that will be performed. Registration is now open: www.indev-project.eu; www.prospect-project.eu; www.xcycle-h2020.eu

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