Τι είναι η Ε.Υ.ΘΥ.Τ.Α.


Εταιρεία Υποστήριξης Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων είναι ένας Μη Κερδοσκοπικός, Μη Κυβερνητικός Οργανισμός, στο χώρο της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Στη Ρόδο λειτουργεί από τον Ιούνιο 2004 , πρωτοβουλία της Προέδρου Καρύδη Ελένης, θύμα τροχαίου ατυχήματος, μετά από τον χαμό του γιου της Δημήτρη 19 χρόνων στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2002, πλαισιωμένη από επιστήμονες, θύματα, συγγενείς τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και ευαισθητοποιημένα άτομα στο θέμα της Οδικής Ασφάλειας.
Είναι μέλος:

-Της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων-FEVR (Σύμβουλος του Ο.Η.Ε και του Π.Ο.Υ)
-Υποστηρικτής της Παγκόσμιας Οργάνωσης « MAKE ROADS SAFE »
-Το 2008 υπέγραψε την Ευρωπαϊκή Χάρτα Οδικής Ασφάλειας, για λιγότερα θύματα με την υποστήριξη της Ε.Ε.
-Αρωγό μέλος του Ε.Δ.Ι.ΠΑ.Β (Εθνικό Δίκτυο Πρόληψης Ατυχημάτων , συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τροχαίων)
-Μέλος της Διακομματικής Επιτροπής Δήμου Ρόδου
-Ιδρυτικό μέλος του Πανελλαδικού Συλλόγου
-Υποστηρίζει την Δεκαετία Δράσης 2011-2020 για την Οδική Ασφάλεια
-Συνεργάζεται με φορείς του Δημόσιου του Ιδιωτικού τομέα, με Παγκόσμιους & Ευρωπαϊκούς Φορείς και Οργανισμούς.

Ποιοι είναι οι σκοποί :

+Η υποστήριξη των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων από ομάδα συμβούλων ( νομικών, ιατρών, ειδικών εμπειρογνωμόνων, συγκοινωνιολόγων, μηχανολόγων, εκπαιδευτικών, ψυχολόγων, κοινωνικών λειτουργών ).

+Η ανάπτυξη αλληλεγγύης μεταξύ των θυμάτων των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων( ηθική υποστήριξη ).

+Η οργανωμένη παρέμβαση και η κοινωνική πίεση προς τους φορείς της πολιτείας, για τη βελτίωση της οδικής ασφάλειας και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων.

+Η υποστήριξη η ανάληψη και προώθηση δραστηριοτήτων σε θέματα τα οποία προάγουν την οδική ασφάλεια, την κυκλοφοριακή αγωγή, την έρευνα, την ενημέρωση , την ευαισθητοποίηση των πολιτών των ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτων ηλικιών (μαθητών, ηλικιωμένων).

Ποιο είναι το Δυναμικό της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, διαθέτει ένα τεχνοκρατικό πυρήνα από επιστήμονες- μέλη διαφόρων κλάδων ( Υγειονομικούς, Νομικούς, Εκπαιδευτικούς, Μηχανολόγους- Μηχανικούς, Πραγματογνώμονες, Συγκοινωνιολόγους, Οικονομολόγους, Αναλυτές Η/Υ, Ψυχολόγους, Κοινωνικούς Λειτουργούς).

Το δυναμικό της ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, ανταποκρίνεται απόλυτα στις υψηλές απαιτήσεις σοβαρών ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων, με θέμα την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόσληψη και την μείωση των Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων.

Διαθέτει επίσης ένα αξιόλογο επιτελείο έμπειρων επιστημόνων, που της επέτρεψε ως τώρα να πραγματοποιήσει πολλαπλές εκπαιδευτικές- ενημερωτικές δράσεις με στόχο τη βελτίωση της Οδικής Συμπεριφοράς.

Ποιες είναι οι Δραστηριότητές της:

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, συμβάλλει δραστικά στην ενημέρωση των πολιτών για την Οδική Ασφάλεια, την πρόληψη και την μείωση των τροχαίων ατυχημάτων και παρέχει σε μόνιμη βάση Νομική, Ιατρική, Ψυχολογική και Κοινωνική Υποστήριξη σε θύματα και συγγενείς θυμάτων Τροχαίων Ατυχημάτων όταν αυτή ζητηθεί.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, έχει διοργανώσει εκδηλώσεις ( Ημερίδες, Έκθεση φωτογραφίας , Δράσεις σε ανοικτούς χώρους, Διδασκαλία σε Σχολεία Α/ας και Β/ας Εκπαίδευσης, Σεμινάρια σε κέντρα εκπαίδευσης νεοσυλλέκτων, Ενημερωτικές ομιλίες σε Δήμους της Ρόδου) στο πλαίσιο της ενημέρωσης των πολιτών σε θέματα που προάγουν την Οδική Ασφάλεια και έχει κάνει ουσιαστικές παρεμβάσεις στους φορείς σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Έχει εκδώσει ενημερωτικά έντυπα με έγκυρη επιστημονική πληροφόρηση σε θέματα Οδικής Ασφάλειας.

Η ΕΥΘΥΤΑ ΡΟΔΟΥ, πιστεύει ότι για την επίτευξη αποτελεσμάτων χρειάζεται δραστηριοποίηση από τους πολίτες, υποστήριξη από τον κρατικό μηχανισμό και αλλαγή της αρνητικής νοοτροπίας στοιχεία που θα μας βοηθήσουν να απαλλαγούμε από την ιδιότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής χώρας με μεγάλο αριθμό Θυμάτων Τροχαίων δυστυχημάτων και με επικίνδυνους δρόμους για ασφαλή οδήγηση.


16 Μαΐ 2024



The European Commission organised with great success the EU Road Safety Conference which was held in Dublin, Ireland, on 16 April 2024. The Conference provided an opportunity to engage with EU Member States Authorities, Experts and all Stakeholders across the road safety community. In addition, it facilitated exchanging views and experiences on the efforts to reach Vision Zero  NTUA Professor George Yannis actively contributed with the following key-note presentation:

Latest Developments

The European Commission and the An Roinn Iompair (ARI) together with the European Transport Research Platforms ACARE, ALICE, CEDR, ECTP, ERRAC, ERTRAC, ETRA and Waterborne organised with great success the Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA2024) which took place in Dublin, Irelandon 15-18 April 2024. The pillars of the Conference were the safe & inclusive transport, the sustainable mobility of people and goods, the efficient & resilient systems and the collaborative digitalisation regarding the European Transport Research and Innovation and the cooperation of Europe with other continents.  

Click here for the 35 NTUA presentations...

The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) has published a Knowledge Report titled Improving Road Traffic Injury Statistics in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. This Report identifies the reasons behind statistical discrepancies between Low- and Middle-Income Countries and outlines strategies to strengthen modeling efforts. Furthermore, in this Report key findings and recommendations for more accurate reporting of traffic injuries were included.  pdf5

The European Commission with the active contribution of NTUA, SWOV and KFV has published at the European Road Safety Observatory, the Young Novice Drivers Thematic Report which refers to the safety of age group 16-24 years old drivers. This Thematic Report describes how novice drivers gain their driving license, as well as novice drivers in relation to road safety hazards. Furthermore, countermeasures about driver training, additional training, exposure, legislation and vehicles are suggested, with particular emphasis on the effectiveness of measures of higher-order skill training and testing in driving licence systems, such as hazard perception and risk awareness. link pdf5

Statistics Corner

The European Commission with the active contribution of NTUA, SWOV and KFV has published at the European Road Safety Observatory, the Road Safety Country Profiles, which provide a comprehensive overview of the road safety status in the 27 EU Member States and three EFTA countries for the period 2012 to 2021. These country profiles exploit data and information from a range of sources, including the CARE and other international databases, as well as national sources, in order to highlight current road safety outcomes, performance indicators, policy & measures and structure & culture for each country. link

The World Road Association – PIARC recently published a DataBook of Roads and Road Transport for 2020-2023. This report focuses on the collection of various data related to roads, road transport and safety which are internationally comparable with their accuracy and consistency ensured. Infographics of key road data and synthesis results highlight the current status of roads at global and regional level. 

Our Publications

The International Road Traffic Safety Analysis and Data (IRTAD) Group and of the International Transport Forum (ITF) organised with great success the 37th Meeting which was held in Helsinki and online, on 10-11 April 2024. In this meeting, the latest international road safety developments were discussed. 80 members and observers from more than 40 countries enriched the discussion aimed to help improve road safety across the globe. Particular emphasis was given to safer micromobility and the evaluation of road safety measures. NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:

The Road Traffic Safety Agency (RTSA)  of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with several Serbian and international road safety Governmental, Academic and other organizations, organised with great success the 19th International conference Road Safety in Local Communities (RSCL 2024) in Zlatibor, Serbia, on 17-20 April 2024. The Conference was organized within second Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021-2030) and the second national strategy for road safety (2023-2030) highlighting the significant changes in road safety regulations.  pdf5 NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:

The Centro Nazionale per Mobilità Sostenibile (MOST) in cooperation with Politecnico of Milano organised with great success the G7 Transport Academic Workshop, which was held in Milan, on 10 April 2024. This workshop with theme "Planning for Resilient Transport Systems" consisted of 4 sessions, including issues related to road safety, such as principles and measures for network resilience, decision-making and trade-offs and policies and practices for mitigation and adaptation. The Workshop results were presented to the Meeting of the Ministers of the G7 world's advanced economies.  NTUA Professor George Yannis actively contributed with the following presentation:


A paper titled "Effect of Apolipoprotein E4 on the Driving Behavior of Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia", authored by E. Stanitsa, A. Economou, I. Beratis, D. Kontaxopoulou, S. Fragkiadaki, V. Papastefanopoulou, D. Pavlou, P. Papantoniou, C. Kroupis, J. Papatriantafyllou, L. Stefanis, G. Yannis and S. Papageorgiou is published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.  The results of this paper indicate that the lower speed variability of APOE4 carriers in the absence of neuropsychological test differences, as possible result of driver compensatory strategy. Simulated driving may be a sensitive method for detecting performance differences in the absence of cognitive differences.  doi  

A paper titled “Driving behaviour in depression based on subjective evaluation and data from a driving simulator” authored by Vagioula Tsoutsi, Maria Papadakaki, George Yannis, Dimosthenis Pavlou, Maria Basta, Joannes Chliaoutakis and Dimitris Dikeos, has been published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The group of patients with depression did not differ from controls regarding driving behaviour as assessed through questionnaires; on the driving simulator, patients kept a longer safety distance. Results indicated that subjective fatigue was positively associated with aggression, dislike of driving, hazard monitoring and violations as assessed by questionnaires. It was revealed that, although certain symptoms of depression (insomnia, fatigue and somnolence) may affect driving performance, patients compensate by driving more carefully, eliminating thus, their impact. doi

An NTUA Diploma Thesis titled “The influence of the penetration of autonomous vehicles on road safety” was recently presented by Antonia Antonakaki.  For this purpose, an analysis of simulation data was carried out around the Villaverde network in Madrid.  The application of the models revealed that the factors influencing the above variables have to do with both traffic composition data (vehicle type) and road infrastructure data (road type, road capacity). It is highlighted that increasing the Market Penetration Rate (MPR) of autonomous vehicles in the network was found to have, quantifiable positive effects on road safetypdf5 ppt5  

Upcoming Events

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) is organising the ETSC PIN Conference 2024, which will be held in Brussels, on 19 June 2024. During this conference, ETSC will present the findings of the 18th PIN Annual Road Safety Performance (PIN) Report looking at progress in reducing road deaths and serious injuries across Europe. Two key road safety issues will be analysed in more detail: the safety of powered two wheeler riders and safety on rural roads. 

The International Road Federation (IRF) in cooperation with the Turkish Road Association are organizing the IRF World Congress 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey, on 15-18 October 2024. This conference with theme "Connecting to Empower Mobility: Roads as Enablers of a Sustainable Future for All" will serve as a platform for global leaders, industry experts, academia, and diverse public and private stakeholders to engage in insightful discussions and collaborative efforts, addressing pivotal issues and exploring innovations within the road and mobility sectors.  video

The 9th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2024 (RSS2024) hosted by the Kentucky Transportation Center will take place in Lexington, Kentucky, on 28-31 October 2024, under the theme “Improving Decisions Through Safety and Simulation Tools”. The aim of the Conference is to improve upon the existing knowledge in the area of road safety and contribute to reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries occurring worldwide, through the dissemination of innovative research and applications. 

POLIS, the European Cities Network, is organising the 2024 Annual Polis Conference, which will take place in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, on 27-28 November 2024. The POLIS Annual Conference is Europe’s leading sustainable urban mobility event, providing an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements, including recent safety developments, to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners, and decision-makers from both the public and private sector. Urban Road Safety is a key conference priority. 

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